The University library of Maribor


The University library of Maribor, Gospejna ulica 10, 2000 Maribor


Foot access

The University of Maribor library is located on Gospejna street 10, near to the Rectorate of the University of Maribor, in the city centre


Access by bus

 The buses 3, 8, 12, 15, 17 in 151 stop near to the venue of the Library. The timetable is available here:


Access by car

FROM LJUBLJANA: turning from the highway in the direction of Dravograd, then along  Tržaška cesta, Titova cesta, ulica Pariške komune, Ljubljanska ulica, Trg revolucije, Stari most (The Old bridge), Main square (Glavni trg), Koroška cesta, Strossmayerjeva ulica, Orožnova cesta, Gospejna cesta. driving directions   


FROM GRAZ: turning from the highway to the Maribor center, then Meljska cesta, Partizanska cesta, Titova cesta, Ulica heroja Bračiča, Ulica slovenske osamosvojitve, Ulica Kneza Koclja, Glavni trg, Koroška cesta, Strossmayerjeva ulica, Orožnova cesta, Gospejna cesta. driving directions 


FROM DRAVOGRAD: Gosposvetska cesta, Strossmayerjeva ulica, Orožnova cesta, Gospejna cesta. driving directions 


FROM ZAGREB: direction Dravograd, then along Tržaška cesta, Titova cesta, Ulica pariške komune, Ljubljanska ulica, Trg revolucije, Stari most (the Old bridge), Glavni trg (the main square), Koroška cesta, Strossmayerjeva ulica, Orožnova cesta, Gospejna cesta. The parking place is on Orožnova cesta and on Slomškov trg. driving directions


The parking places are on: Slomškov trg (1,00€/hour), Orožnova cesta, Strosmayerjeva ulica and Smetanova ulica  (0,80€/hour). Toll free parking places are not available in the city centre.


In the venue of the library, the unlimited access for disabled people is regulated. There are elevators and ramps inside the building.



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